Rewards & Referrals
My roles: Lead designer, QA
The US Mobile Referral Program is an important way for us to attract and acquire new customers. In the Spring 2023, we took a deep dive into refining this experience. I worked closely with product managers, engineers, data, content, and marketing to not only redesign the Referrals experience but also introduce an exciting new Rewards Center. The aim was to create a more compelling experience that encourages and rewards users for referring their friends to US Mobile.
Key Iterations and Solutions
During the design process, I iteratively ideated and explored various designs to address emerging needs and test concepts. In this, there are 3 key design changes, and here's how each was approached.
Change #1: Sharing with a link, no code.
In the original design, users had to copy a referral code. In the new design, we simplified the experience by providing each user with a unique invitation link. This not only eliminates the potential for code spamming but also facilitates useful tracking and analytics, offering valuable insights into referral performance.
Change #2: Revamping the Referral page
The initial design is basic but lacks excitement and clear information. While waiting for the team to refine the referral rules and offers, I researched other referral programs and tested ideas with rapid prototyping. These design explorations helped us clarify our goals, consider various scenarios, prioritize features, and agree on the next steps.
Change #3: Introducing a Rewards Center
We're adding a Rewards Center for users to earn rewards beyond just referrals. This presents a design challenge as we reconsider the page's structure. With the following points in mind, I explored different options, envisioning various ways to present this new information architecture:
1. Referral is part of the Rewards Center.
2. Referral is the only available way to earn rewards. In the future, we will introduce more. 
3. Users will be able to redeem rewards within the Rewards Center.
While exploring the design, we received a new requirement from our partner, which requires users to confirm personal info when joining the rewards center (as shown below) for the rewards credit card. This step poses a new design challenge by introducing more complexity for users accessing the rewards center and referring friends.
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